
About Chris

I’ve been single and living alone now for a good number of years and like everyone who is single (e.g. single mums, single dad’s, bachelors, spinsters) I am responsible for the food preparation of my household. I have found over this period of time that a frypan is an essential commodity in the preparation of a variety of meals.


Like many of you. Back in the days when living alone was a new experience for me I was happy to fill up on snacks or regularly indulge fast food takeaways, sometimes on a daily basis.

Over time I came to realise these practices were not the best for my wallet and more importantly my health. Consequently I looked for and found cheap alternatives which consisted of sausages and three vegetables for dinner and ham and tomato sandwiches for lunch.

These daily meals continued for quite a long time. Breakfast was never a problem as I’d been eating the same cereal for as long as I could remember.

The one other boring but healthy discipline I adopted was to daily have an apple and orange.



As I became wiser in my pursuit of healthy eating, I realised how important it is to have a good frypan.

Initially, any clean second hand frypan would do, as long as it was nonstick and not too many scratches.

It wasn’t until I invited a lady friend home for a cooked meal that I found out that aluminum frypans with scratched teflon coating can be a potential health hazard.

Since then I have taken a serious interest in frypans and although I’m still learning, I have gleaned enough information to be

able to offer accurate advice as to the best type of frypan to use for a particular preparation.


I want people to be aware of the potential risks associated with using cheap non-stick frypans and offer advice and products that will ensure you and your household remain healthy and contented with your frypan prepared meals

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,

Chris Roberts

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